We've Moved!

As of November 18th, our new address is 269 US Route One, Suite 202, Falmouth, ME 04105

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Strength comes from the sum of our parts.

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Contact LIHC Investment Group

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Where We Are

Headquartered in Portland, Maine

A strong work ethic and ability to see business fairness from a perspective supported by New England values.

One Portland Square | Suite 6A | Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 772.8800

Feet on the ground in New York City

Being part of the city we invest so heavily in is what makes us such a solid investment partner.

41 Madison Avenue | 31st Floor | New York, NY 10010

In the heart of Santa Monica, CA

To be a national real estate investment company, you need to have a national perspective on the industry.

520 Broadway | Santa Monica, CA 90401

News & Media

If you’re looking to sell a Limited or General Partnership interest, contact us today.


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