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Paul Robeson Houses

1990 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd, New York, NY LIHC Affordable
LIHC Investment Group

Property Detail

Named after American singer/actor/political activist Paul Robeson, the Paul Robeson Houses were built in 1940 and are located in New York’s 13th Congressional District. The property lies 11 blocks from the Lafayette Theater, home to Harlem’s first African American professional stock company and stage actors such as Paul Robeson and Charles Gilpin. PRH consists of 81 units and is assisted under HUD’s Section 8 Substantial Rehabilitation (S8SR) Program. LIHC secured a deal with the New York City Department of Housing Preservation & Development for a 40-year Article XI tax abatement which will preserve affordability to low income tenants at 50% of the Area Medium Income or less and allow for numerous capital improvements and renovations for the property over the next several decades.


1990 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd., New York, NY
LIHC Affordable

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LIHC Investment Group