We've Moved!

As of November 18th, our new address is 269 US Route One, Suite 202, Falmouth, ME 04105

Sojourner Truth Houses

73 W 106th Street, New York, NY NP Preservation Group
LIHC Investment Group

Property Detail

Sojourner Truth Houses is a 91-unit affordable housing property located in the Manhattan Valley Neighborhood of Manhattan. The general partner had joint-ventured this property with a non-profit GP — and the non-profit GP did not wish to sell its interest. We purchased the for-profit GP interest, and assumed the relationship with the remaining non-profit GP.

NP Preservations’ business model provides the ultimate flexibility — allowing structures where multiple general partners with different strategies can all meet their objectives. And because of our experience in numerous ownership structures, we are capable of assuming ownership roles on the fly, engaging closely with parties who choose to maintain their ownership interests.


73 W 106th Street, New York, NY
NP Preservation Group

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LIHC Investment Group