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As of November 18th, our new address is 269 US Route One, Suite 202, Falmouth, ME 04105

Unico Towers

500 Manila Avenue, Jersey City, NJ NP Preservation Group

Property Detail

Unico Towers is a 210-unit elderly housing project located in Jersey City, New Jersey. This neighborhood has experienced significant gentrification, with the recent addition of new residential high rises and easy proximity to the Harborside Financial Center. Originally developed by a non-profit in the early 1970’s, the owners were seeking a “next-generation” buyer who would sustain their mission to provide safe, clean, affordable housing for elderly, low-income tenants — all while improving both the property and the residents’ quality of life.

As federal housing regulations continue to change and projects age in place needing significant capital improvements, the NP Preservation Group’s regulatory expertise and financial strength are able to address these issues while preserving much-needed affordable housing stock.


500 Manila Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
NP Preservation Group

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LIHC Investment Group