We've Moved!

As of November 18th, our new address is 269 US Route One, Suite 202, Falmouth, ME 04105

Villa Hermosa

East Harlem, New York, NY NYC Property Investment Group
LIHC Investment Group

Property Detail

Villa Hermosa has 272 apartments located just steps from Central Park in New York City. This East Harlem neighborhood is quiet and residential, with easy access to all the city has to offer.

At the height of the financial collapse in the fall of 2008, this partnership wanted to sell its property by year-end at a competitive price, but many buyers attempting to obtain funding at that time were unsuccessful. NYC Property Investment Group structured an all cash purchase, which fulfilled the seller’s objective of a competitive price in a timely fashion. The transaction was reported as the largest sale of a multi-family property in New York City during the last quarter of 2008.


East Harlem, New York, NY
NYC Property Investment Group

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LIHC Investment Group