We've Moved!
As of November 18th, our new address is 269 US Route One, Suite 202, Falmouth, ME 04105
by Gordon Holman | Oct 11, 2019 | LIHC News
in: The Real Deal (TRD) by: Erin Hudson on: October 09, 2019 Common and Atlanta-based PadSpilt submitted winning proposals as part of its affordable co-living pilot program New York City is jumping into bed with two co-living firms to build affordable housing. The...
by Gordon Holman | Oct 3, 2018 | LIHC News
By: Brendan Krisel, Patch National Staff Source: Patch The Lakeview Apartments’ Mitchell-Lama status will be dissolved in a deal to keep the building affordable for the next four decades. East Harlem, NY (October 1, 2018)— State officials revealed more...